Online POT and CUT calculation

Avoid unpleasant surprises with a free CUT and POT calculation


POT is the abbreviation for land occupancy percentage. CUT is the abbreviation for land use coefficient.

If you intend to build a house, you’ve probably already learned that the first thing you should do is obtain the “Urban Planning Certificate” from the city hall of the locality where you want to build. This way, you will find out from reliable sources what are the limitations imposed on the construction you want to make on the chosen land in that locality.

The Urban Planning Certificate costs little and is usually issued in less than a week.

On the Urban Planning Certificate, usually at point no. 3, you will find data about the “Technical regime” of the construction, i.e., maximum allowed POT, maximum allowed CUT, Maximum allowed height regime, Minimum street front, etc.

Below are two calculation forms that use POT and CUT.

  1. POT calculation and CUT calculation based on land area and usable area of the house.
  2. Calculation of the built area of the house, total usable area of the house, and total ground footprint of the house, starting from the land area, POT, and CUT from the urban planning certificate;

Specifications for the correct use of the POT calculation and CUT calculation form:

  • For POT calculation, the “Total ground footprint” of the house is used;
  • The “Total ground footprint” of the house is the projection of the most “outward” floor or balcony. Example: if the ground floor has 100sqm and the floor including balconies, loggias, terraces, etc. has 120 sqm, then the “Total ground footprint” will be 120 sqm.
  • The “Total ground footprint” does not include the house’s eaves or various cantilevered plates (outward) that do not serve as a balcony, loggia, terrace, etc.
  • If you’re building a single-story house, the “Total ground footprint” is given by the ground floor area (the outline of the exterior walls).

If determining the “Total ground footprint” is complicated, for simplicity of calculation, you can use only the ground floor area for POT and CUT calculation. In this case, keep in mind that the calculation result will have a certain error.

POT calculation and CUT calculation based on land area and house area.

Calculation of the built area of the house, total usable area of the house, and total ground footprint of the house, using the land area, POT, and CUT from the urban planning certificate.

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What POT and CUT mean • total built area • Exceeding land occupancy percentage • Maximum allowed CUT